Contact us

CURTI Costruzioni Meccaniche S.p.A.

Address: Via Emilia Ponente, 750 - Castel Bolognese - CAP 48014 - Ravenna - Italia
P.IVA / C.F.: 00081590390
Telephone: +39 0546 655911 - Fax: +39 0546 655904
E-mail: Please use the form below

CURTI U.S.A. Corp.

Address: 161 Poole Road -Suite D, Leland, North Carolina 28451
Telephone: +1 (630) 200-3209
E-mail: (Only US market)

Address: 2000 E. Randol Mill Rd. #608, Arlington, TX. 76011
Telephone: +1 (817) 583-6545
E-mail: (Only US market)

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